Song for the Mute

Designer: Song for the Mute

Photo: Patrick McGreal for
Styling: Romy Frydman, Hair: Sophie Roberts, Make Up: Claire Thompson
Actor, Cody Fern wearing Song for the Mute SS12/13

SS12/13 Inspiration: Transparent, Controlled, Cocoon, Paper, Solid

What’s your favourite piece? This is a tough one. But I must go with either The Paper Cocoon Vest…or The Yeti.

What’s the hair inspiration for the collection? We’ve always seen our ‘boy’ with their hair slicked back but this season we have street influence in our design and have gone with a more natural, boy-ish look, with the help of our Redken hair director Jon Pulitano.

What gets you through fashion week? Fashion Week has always been fun for us because we’ve never actually participated in it. This year marks our debut and oh my god the workload is unbelievable.

What are you wearing today? I’ve been sitting at home working all day today so I’ve been in my pyjamas 90% of the time.

Tech addiction: We’re completely useless when it comes to social media but we are trying. This is especially embarrassing for me as I used to be a dedicated gamer!