Love a Chat
Start stripping off in anticipation for the glorious weather ahead! At Vogue Fashion’s Night in Sydney this Thursday I’ll be doing what I do best, chatting (you thought I was going to say stripping). I’ll be introducing this seasons trends in Styling Sessions at Saba’s Sydney store from 6.30pm so come see me in full force!
Photography & Styling: Romy Frydman for
Hair: Natalie Anne for Original Mineral Make Up: Jaclyn Hnitko
Model: Laura S (IMG) wears SABA throughout and accessories from Belinda
Shot 1-2 : SABA dress & bomber jacket with Erickson Beamon earrings from Belinda
Shot 3-5: SABA jumper, skirt, blazer & shoes with Lanvin necklace from Belinda
Shot 6: SABA dress & bomber jacket with Erickson Beamon earrings from Belinda
Shot 7: SABA blouse, top, skirt & bracelets with Lanvin necklace from Belinda
Saba Styling sessions 6.30 & 7.30pm Thursday 5th September 2013
SABA Sydney Central Plaza.